Introduction Indigenous women and girls with disabilities face marginalization, discrimination, and exclusion on the basis of their indigenous identity, their gender, and their disability status. Protecting their human rights may require both domestic advocacy (within your country) and also regional or international advocacy. In North, Central, and South America, indigenous women with disabilities can use… Continue reading Using the Inter-American Human Rights System
GDRN Theme: Indigenous
Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
People who belong to multiple marginalized populations may face unique human rights challenges specific to the intersections among these marginalized identities. In order to fully protect the human rights of indigenous peoples with disabilities, parliamentarians will need to consider how to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in conjunction… Continue reading Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Integrating the Disability and Indigenous Movements
Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples with Disabilities
Introduction Indigenous peoples with disabilities face discrimination and accessibility barriers both related to their disability and also related to being indigenous peoples. Many programs meant to benefit indigenous peoples may be inaccessible for indigenous peoples with disabilities. Meanwhile, programs meant to benefit people with disabilities may not meet the needs of indigenous peoples with disabilities.… Continue reading Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples with Disabilities
Work of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The 14th Session of the CRPD Committee took place from August 14 to September 4, 2015. The CRPD 14th Session Documents link below will take you to a UN site where the country and shadow reports submitted to the Committee for consideration, and the Committee’s own working documents and observations/reports can be downloaded. Kenya was one… Continue reading Work of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Formal Operation of the CRPD in Kenya
Kenya and the CRPD Kenya was among the 44 countries to sign the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) when it first opened for signature on March 30, 2007. It ratified the CRPD on May 5, 2008. Kenya did not sign the Optional Protocol, which allows the Committee on the Rights of… Continue reading Formal Operation of the CRPD in Kenya
Formal Operation of the CRPD in Armenia
Armenia and the CRPD Armenia signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) along with 43 other countries when the Convention was first signed into law on March 30, 2007. Armenia also signed the Optional Protocol (which allows the Committee to listen to individual complainants from Armenia) at that time. However, while… Continue reading Formal Operation of the CRPD in Armenia
Formal Operation of the CRPD in Vietnam
CRPD Report Process Under Article 35 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), parties to the CRPD must submit State Reports to the CRPD Committee within two years of ratification. These State Reports are to contain positive developments as well as challenges that country is having in meeting the obligations of the… Continue reading Formal Operation of the CRPD in Vietnam
Formal Operation of the CRPD in Mexico
Mexico and the CRPD Mexico was an early and longtime supporter of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The country signed both the Convention and it’s Optional Protocol (which allows the CRPD committee to hear individual complaints from Mexico) on March 30, 2007 when the treaty was first opened for signature.… Continue reading Formal Operation of the CRPD in Mexico