Disability in Vietnam


The World Report on Disability estimates that 15 percent of the world population are people with disabilities. There may be some variance from one country to another. But experts believe that many countries significantly underestimate the actual prevalence rate.

Disability in Vietnam.

The center of Vietnam’s flag is displayed, which includes a gold star. The country outline of Vietnam is shown in the background.


A cascading timeline reads:

1992 Adoption of the Vietnamese constitution, confirming the rights for people with disabilities.

2001 Amendment to the Constitution of Vietnam, enshrining the protection of people with disabilities in Articles 59 and 67.

2002 The Barrier-Free Access Code & Standards established national accessibility standards for construction.

2006 The Vocational Training Law includes tax provisions for organizations providing training for people with disabilities.

2007 The U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) signed.

2010 National disability law passed, National Law on Persons with Disabilities.

2012 The Labor Code contains regulations on the employment of people with disabilities.

2012 National Action Plan to Support People with Disabilities approved to provide vocational training and jobs for 250,000 people with disabilities.

2014 The U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) ratified.

2015 End of the Inclusive Education by 2015 goal timeframe, to provide inclusive education for all children with disabilities.


5.8% of the population is disabled (5,203,180 people).

Disability Type.

A pie chart displays percentages of disability types represented in the disabled population.

Cognitive 25.3% (.82 million people).

Mobility 22.4% (1.17 million people).

Other 19% (.99 million people).

Visual 15.7% (.82 million people).

Auditory 9.7% (.55 million people).

Speech 7.9% (.41 million people).

Rural vs. Urban Population.

75% of the disabled population lives in rural areas (3.9 million people).

68% of the overall population lives in rural areas (61.0 million people).


A bar graph shows age group percentages of the disabled population:

Age 1 – 19 is 23.3% (1.21 million people).

Age 20 – 29 is 14.3% (.74 million people).

Age 30 – 39 is 14.6% (.76 million people).

Age 40 – 49 is 16.5% (.86 million people).

Age 50 – 59 is 17.1% (.89 million people).

Age 60 plus is 14.4% (.75 million people).


The disabled is population is:

50.5% female (2.63 million people).

49.5% male (2.58 million people).


52% of the disabled population is receiving a secondary education (2.7 million people).

78.3% of the total population is receiving a secondary education (70.24 million people).


86% of the disabled population is employed (4.47 million people).

94.6% of the total population is employed (84.87 million people).


16.4% of the disabled population lives in poverty (.85 million people).

13.5% of the total population lives in poverty (12.11 million people).


2005 Census, http://www.gso.gov.vn/default_en.aspx?tabid=515&ItemID=5691

2010 MOLISA, http://nccd.molisa.gov.vn/attachments/221_BC%20thuong%20nien%202010%20tieng%20Anh%20cuoi.pdf

2009 UNICEF, http://www.unicef.org/vietnam/resources_21138.html

2002 ILO, http://www.ilo.org/public//english/region/asro/bangkik/ability/download/vietnam-final.pdf

2010 Agent Orange Record, http://www.agentorangerecord.com/images/uploads/resources/studies/Disability,%20poverty%20and%20social%20protection%20in%20Viet%20Nam.pdf

2011 ILO, http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_emp/—ifp_skills/documents/publication/wcms_112407.pdf