The World Report on Disability estimates that 15 percent of the world population are people with disabilities. There may be some variance from one country to another. But experts believe that many countries significantly underestimate the actual prevalence rate.
Disability in Armenia.
Armenia’s flag is displayed, which includes three horizontal color blocks from the top down: red, blue, orange. The country outline of Armenia is shown in the background.
A cascading timeline reads:
1993: Adoption of the Law on Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities.
2005: Approval of the National Strategy for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities for 2006-2015.
2006: 23 NGOs and Disabled People’s Organization (DPOs) joined to form the National Disability. Advocacy Coalition (NDAC).
2007: U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) signed.
2008: Formation of the National Commission on Issues of Persons with Disabilities.
2010: U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) ratifed.
2015: Hearings are held regarding adoption of a new national disability law, The Rights Protection and Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities Law that is baed on social inclusion rather than a social protection model, bringing Armenian legilation into greater compliance with the CRPD.
6.2% of the population is disabled (186,384 people).
Disability Type.
A pie chart displays percentages of disability types represented among children with disabilities, which reads:
- 36% motor disability.
- 20% physiological disability.
- 20% intellectual disability.
- 7% visual disability.
- 7% auditory disability.
- 7% epilepsy.
- 3% combined disabilities.
A bar graph shows age group percentages of the disabled population:
0.8% ages 0-6.
4.3% ages 6-16.
2.5% ages 17-21.
13.9% ages 22-39.
44.3% ages 40-59.
34.2% ages 60+.
The disabled population is:
53% men (98,965).
47% women (87,419).
18.8% of the disabled population is receiving a secondary education.
84% of the overall population is receiving a secondary education.
About 13% of children with disabilities (one in eight) are in institutions – from among these, 72% do not attend school at all, 25% attend a special school, and 5% attend mainstream school.
Among children in the care of their families, 18% do not attend school at all, 12% attend special schools, and 30% attend mainstream schools.
Unemployment rate among people with disabilities 92% .
Unemployment rate among overall population 17.8%.
2013, Save the Children,
2008, National Statisical Service of the Republic of Armenia, (
2013, Hasmik Ghukasyan, file:///C:/Users/u/Downloads/Tavoush_WHODAS_survey_report__article_eng%20(1).pdf.
2012, UNICEF,