Items 1 – 3 below provide resources for monitoring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). They can be used as an illustrative guide and adapted for use in other countries to monitor national disability laws and policies. Items 4 – 6 are specific to monitoring implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights… Continue reading Six Recommended Monitoring Tools
Author: ashettle
We All Have a Right to Read
Disability Inclusive Education in Emergencies
Guide for Government, NGOs, International Agencies The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Task Team on Inclusive Education and Disability has developed a Pocket Guide to Inclusive Education, entitled Education in Emergencies: Including Everyone. The booklet guides users in making educational services during during conflicts, disasters, or other humanitarian emergencies accessible for everyone. It is targeted… Continue reading Disability Inclusive Education in Emergencies
Handbook for Parliamentarians on the CRPD
This handbook is meant to help parliamentarians in any country’s government learn about the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and how they can play a role in its ratification, implementation, and monitoring. The handbook: Provides an overview of the challenges that confront people with disabilities and why the CRPD was needed… Continue reading Handbook for Parliamentarians on the CRPD