Scope: Community
¿Encuentro entre dos mundos?
Durante más de ocho años fungí como coordinadora de área de una asociación civil dedicada a la promoción, difusión y defensa de derechos humanos en temas específicos, entre ellos, la igualdad y no discriminación de grupos en situaciones de alta vulnerabilidad en México, a través de estudios de investigación y acciones de incidencia en políticas… Continue reading ¿Encuentro entre dos mundos?
Inclusive Communities for All
Changing Our Stories: How One Couple Left an Institution
Grassroots Approach to Inclusive Education in Kenya
Legal Aid in the United States
Legal Aid in the United States The purpose of legal aid is to provide free legal services to low income Americans. Civil legal aid helps ensure fairness in the justice system, regardless of how much money one has. Equal justice under law is a fundamental American value. In the United States, legal aid is primarily… Continue reading Legal Aid in the United States
Expanding Disability Rights through Political Participation
There are many effective ways to advocate for disability rights. From signing a petition to engaging in a discussion with stakeholders, making meaningful changes to society starts with participating in public life. Political participation provides the opportunity for disability rights advocates to connect with decision-makers. Why Participate in Political Life? Building an inclusive society begins… Continue reading Expanding Disability Rights through Political Participation
We All Have a Right to Read
Using Mobile Applications for Advocacy
Overview Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices are increasingly being used by the public. Mobile applications (apps) are convenient as they are available on devices that many people use every day. Apps are also interactive, which can allow smartphone and tablet users to learn information in a fun and interesting way. A successful mobile application… Continue reading Using Mobile Applications for Advocacy