Tuesday January 8, 2019 21:22:39
Ensuring Access of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) with Disabilities to Political Life

All persons have the right to participate in political life, according to CRPD Article 29. IDPs and refugees with disabilities may encounter additional barriers as a result of their citizenship status and risk being denied a voice in decision-making. ...Read More
Friday August 24, 2018 17:59:58
USICD: White Paper on Stakeholders’ Understanding and Monitoring of CRPD Article 32

State governments and civil society can play an important role in holding bilateral and multilateral international development agencies accountable for disability inclusion in their projects ...Read More
Tuesday June 5, 2018 23:29:53
Building Disability Rights through Inclusive Constitutions

Inclusive constitutions provide the basis for DPOs to advocate for the implementation and enforcement of their rights. The process of writing the constitution is a valuable opportunity for DPOs to engage their government on disability rights ...Read More
Monday April 9, 2018 22:40:58
Homes, Not Institutions for Children with Disabilities

Disabled children should live at home with a family--not in an institution ...Read More
Monday March 26, 2018 18:08:10
Women Enabled International accountABILITY Toolkit

How women with disabilities and organizations working on their behalf can use United Nations human rights mechanisms to hold governments accountable for protecting the human rights of women and girls with disabilities ...Read More
Friday March 16, 2018 19:20:56
Universal Design as Access to Justice

Environments that limit access to transportation, education, housing, and jobs contribute to marginalization and exclusion and perpetuate the high rates of poverty and exclusion that people with disabilities experience ...Read More
Monday March 12, 2018 23:20:02
Setting up a Legal Clinic for People with Disabilities

Setting up a legal clinic can help get legal advice to many more individuals with disabilities ...Read More
Wednesday February 14, 2018 17:42:27
Increasing Access to Justice for People with Disabilities

How is access to justice related to achieving civil rights for people with disabilities? How can access to justice be improved for people with disabilities? ...Read More
Monday November 27, 2017 23:32:38
Developing a Certification Process for Sign Language Interpreters

In my country, Sign Language interpreters are not certified. However, we are beginning to develop a certification program. What recommendations and U.S. laws do you have for us to consider as we begin this process? ...Read More
Tuesday November 7, 2017 21:45:22
Utilizing Quotas to Increase Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities

Quotas can increase access to political decision-making processes, empowering people with disabilities to be leaders in their communities, but are not supported by all disability rights advocates ...Read More