Friday July 27, 2018 21:25:34
Individuals with Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Criminal Justice System
RightsNow! delegates visit the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.
People with disabilities have the same right to justice and fair treatment as anyone else. However, those with non-apparent disabilities may encounter discrimination within the criminal justice system ...Read More
Wednesday February 7, 2018 21:49:39
Cómo se ganó el primer caso guatemalteco de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad

Situación de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad en Guatemala y el caso William Zapeta ...Read More
Friday April 14, 2017 06:36:17
Guatemala and the CRPD

Documents on CRPD implementation submitted to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by the Guatemalan government, DPOs, national human rights institutions, and other relevant non-governmental organizations ...Read More
Friday April 14, 2017 06:31:05
Guatemala’s National Laws Relating to Disability

This section includes national laws focused on disability ...Read More
Friday April 14, 2017 06:28:12
Peru and the CRPD

Documents on CRPD implementation submitted to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by the Peruvian government, DPOs, national human rights institutions, and other relevant non-governmental organizations ...Read More
Friday April 14, 2017 06:01:24
Peru’s National Laws Relating to Disability

This collection includes national laws entirely focused on disability and others on different topics that have specific references concerning people with disabilities in their text ...Read More
Wednesday November 23, 2016 16:36:21
Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973

In the United States, Section 508 requires that agencies using federal funding ensure that any electronic and information technology they purchase is accessible for people with disabilities ...Read More
Tuesday August 30, 2016 00:36:19
Marrakesh Treaty

Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled ...Read More
Monday May 16, 2016 23:52:31
Economic Support in the U.S.
A brief description of some of the programs that provide economic support or benefits to people with disabilities, followed by links to some secondary resources on these laws ...Read More
Monday May 16, 2016 23:47:22
U.S. Housing Laws
A brief description of the four laws that govern nondiscrimination in housing, links to the texts of the two housing laws, some key regulations enacted under the law, and secondary resources ...Read More