CRPD Report Process Under Article 35 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), parties to the CRPD must submit State Reports to the CRPD Committee within two years of ratification. These State Reports are to contain positive developments as well as challenges that country is having in meeting the obligations of the… Continue reading Formal Operation of the CRPD in Vietnam
GDRN Theme: Gender-based violence
Formal Operation of the CRPD in Mexico
Mexico and the CRPD Mexico was an early and longtime supporter of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The country signed both the Convention and it’s Optional Protocol (which allows the CRPD committee to hear individual complaints from Mexico) on March 30, 2007 when the treaty was first opened for signature.… Continue reading Formal Operation of the CRPD in Mexico