The Enabling Education Network (EENET) is an information-sharing network focused on inclusive education. The network includes teachers, parents, students, non-governmental organizations, policy-makers, and more. It promotes and shares information and documents, most of it originated in developing countries. They encourage critical thinking, innovation, and conversations within and between countries on inclusion, equity, and rights in education. EENET hosts a website with an extensive database of resources on inclusive education. They also produce an annual newsletter, continually add newly created resources to their website, respond to questions from education stakeholders globally, and offer consultancy services to international and national non-governmental organizations, UN agencies, and governments.
Visit EENET’s website to explore hundreds of articles, posters, training manuals, videos, and other materials from around the world. Although many of the resources are in English, some of the content is in various other languages. These include some resources in Spanish and in Swahili and one publication in Armenian. At present, no resources in Vietnamese are available at EENET’s site.
The Schools for All poster is one example of the many publications offered by EENET and is included below in English, Armenian, and Spanish.