The report Education Transition for Children with Disabilities in Armenia by an Armenian non-governmental organization (Bridge of Hope) examines the importance of supporting children, particularly children with disabilities, during education transition. Children experience big transitions when they move from home or pre-school to primary school; primary school to secondary school; or secondary school to tertiary education (e.g.… Continue reading Best Practices: Making Education Transitions Inclusive
By Country: Armenia
Inclusive Education Toolkit: Armenia
This toolkit guides trainers in training recipients to enhance the quality of disability inclusive education. It can be used by trainers who train parents, professors, school teachers, politicians, disabled people, and other stakeholders about disability inclusive education. Although this content is primarily meant to be used in Armenia, it may be feasible to adapt some… Continue reading Inclusive Education Toolkit: Armenia
The Armenian Electoral Experience
A Playground for Everyone
Action Plans, Programs, and Reports for Armenia
The attached documents are reports, national plans, national strategies, training materials, standards, guides, and other materials created by Armenian governmental bodies, human rights commissions, DPOs, NGO, or other groups between 2003 and 2015. Where possible, the materials are provided in Armenian and in English. The language of the document is indicated in the file name.
Armenia’s National Laws Related to Disability
These laws passed in Armenia between 1999 and 2015. Where possible, the laws are provided in Armenian and in English. The language of the document is indicated in the file name.
Sports: An Avenue for Disability Advocacy
Formal Operation of the CRPD in Armenia
Armenia and the CRPD Armenia signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) along with 43 other countries when the Convention was first signed into law on March 30, 2007. Armenia also signed the Optional Protocol (which allows the Committee to listen to individual complainants from Armenia) at that time. However, while… Continue reading Formal Operation of the CRPD in Armenia