Friday December 22, 2017 22:11:22
¿Encuentro entre dos mundos?

Discapacidad y derechos humanos no son dos mundos diferentes ni separados, sino simplemente dos campos que pueden y deben complementarse para lograr de manera efectiva un mayor impacto en el objetivo que comparten ...Read More
Tuesday April 26, 2016 20:02:39
Advocating for Laws that Reflect CRPD Principles

In the Mexican state of Quintana Roo, people with disabilities and allies came together to successfully block the passage of discriminatory legislation and pass a more inclusive law ...Read More
Thursday March 17, 2016 22:06:30
Integrating the Disability and Indigenous Movements

Enabling indigenous people with disabilities to claim their rightful place in society and in decision making processes that impact their rights ...Read More